A person suffering from neck pain should first consult a doctor. And this is natural, he will treat the disease, strictly following the recommendations of a specialist. However, doctors say that it is impossible to limit oneself to the prescribed treatment, that alternative methods of therapy and therapeutic exercises have the same beneficial effect as any drug. So it is possible to cure osteochondrosis of the neck not only in the hospital, but also at home alone. .
Therapeutic gymnastics is the basis of recovery. The exercises you need to perform are not difficult and take very little time. However, they are meant to relax overloaded neck muscles, sprains and relieve pain.

Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis - the basis of recovery!
- Gradually increasing the pace and range of motion, you need to slowly turn your head to the sides, then lean back and forth. Up to 10 repetitions will be enough;
- It is necessary to squeeze the shoulders, pulling them as close as possible to the ears. Then lower them, relaxing the muscles. After inhaling and exhaling, repeat the movement 10 more times;
- You can strengthen the muscles with a simple resistance exercise: after you have collected your hands in the strand, you need to replace them at the forehead and artificially increase the pressure with the head on the hands for as long as possible. You can repeat the exercise in mirror order, resting the back of the head with your hands.
Do any exercise carefully so as not to cause more harm to the body. This is especially true in the field of neck gymnastics. The basic safety rules include:

Be very careful when exercising in the neck area.
- Warm up before training. To do this, you can take a hot shower or apply a heating pad on the neck;
- Be attentive to your body. There may be slight discomfort at first. Tingling or even aching pain. This is in the order of things for people who have not had any relationship with sport before. However, if the pain does not subside during the session and accompanies each exercise, you should immediately stop exercising and seek the help of a trainer in the physical therapy room.
If we are talking about how to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home, then at this point it would be appropriate to mention self-massage. This tool is available to everyone and effectively eliminates pain. Warms the neck, helping to improve blood flow; relax the muscles; relieves accumulated stress. With self-massage, there are several nuances, observance of which will increase the chances of recovery:

Self-massage of the neck in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a very effective method.
- The neck should be massaged only with the help of the fingers;
- There is no need to exert pressure, light touches and touches are enough;
- It is necessary to massage the neck in the direction from the spine to the sides, while the movement of the hands should be from top to bottom.
Folk ways of dealing with osteochondrosis of the neck
The means available to all and long known for their effectiveness include:

Be sure to pay attention to the methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis using traditional medicine
- Rub, compresses and ointments based on herbs and roots;
- Hot cakes made from rye or wheat;
- Herbal decoctions that need to be added to the bath for bathing;
General recommendations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
There are some rules, compliance with which will affect the rapid achievement of the best result in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis:

- When performing gymnastics, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions to avoid damage to the cervical spine;
- Wearing a special collar requires strict medical supervision;
- Eliminating the stress on the arms and shoulder girdle will help speed up the healing process;
- It doesn't hurt to carefully consider the organization of the bed. The best choice would be an orthopedic mattress and a special square pillow that would support the head and neck. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended.
Everyone who suffers from neck pain is concerned about the question of how to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home. The recipe for therapy is quite simple and consists of only a few points, the implementation of which will bring the long-awaited relief.